Ad hoc Working Group CBRN

One of the objectives for the near future in ICMM's strategic plan 2022 is to increase ICMM's output and one of the chosen ways to do so is by working with thematic working groups.

For many fields of medicine, military health care providers can find a lot of useful information and training opportunities in civilian medicine. For specific fields, very relevant in military medicine, such as war surgery or CBRN this is much less the case. CBRN is a sensitive domain and obtaining quality information and appropriate training opportunities remains a challenge.

We think that ICMM can play a useful role here and, in accordance with our new moto ‘Knowledge beyond borders’, it was decided to establish an ‘ad hoc’ Working Group CBRN, initially focusing on chemical threats and the medical management of chemical cases and incidents.


The following countries have committed to allowing experts to participate in this initiative:  Australia, Belgium, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Iraq, Mali, Spain, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

The target audience we primarily want to reach are the military care providers who are not CBRN specialists. This ad hoc WG can also function as an exchange forum for experts, but in-depth exchange among experts will be rather difficult because in this forum we have to limit ourselves to sharing open source information.

The experts will have a digital workspace accessible only to them but the final deliverables will be made available on the ICMM website.

A digital kick-off meeting took place on 22 April 2022 in which the project was framed. Potential objectives were presented to the experts:

  • short term: compiling a lot of useful literature, recommending review articles, and referring to interesting websites
  • medium term: sharing existing lectures and ppt-presentations
  • medium to long term: developing podcasts and webinars.

A second meeting took place in 2022 but only a very limited number of experts could participate in this meeting. The activities will be relaunched in 2023.

If you are interested in participating or would like to know more, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat General: