ICMM Center of Reference for Education on IHL and Ethics
The Center of Reference for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Ethics is mandated by the International Committee of Military Medicine (ICMM), and its chairman is elected by the General Assembly of the ICMM.
The directorate cooperates closely with the ICMM. The Chairman of the Centre of Reference is elected by the ICMM General Assembly.
He leads the Reference Centre and reports to the ICMM Secretary-General on a regular basis.
Vision – ICMM Center of Reference
The ICMM Center of Reference for Education on IHL and Ethics is a centre for the academic analysis, open discussion, and consultation in IHL related to the work of medical personnel and Military Medical Ethics in general. It is a neutral and politically and religiously independent institution that cooperates with experts around the world. It aims at being the leading provider of research and education in Medical Ethics for Times of Armed Conflict
Chair ICMM Center of Reference for Education on IHL and Ethics
Col David Winkler, MD, PhD (Switzerland)
Email: melac@bluewin.ch
Head LoAC Teacher
Col (ret) Johan Crouse (South Africa)
Email: atstarjohan@gmail.com
Head Ethics Teacher
Dr. Phil. Daniel Messelken (Switzerland)
Zürich Center for Military Medical Ethics
Email: messelken@ethik.uzh.ch